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2) My mother washes the dishes every morning.3) They were not big puppies two months ago.4) There is

Автор Богдан_Р, Фев. 28, 2024, 11:34

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Как бы вы ответили. 2) My mother washes the dishes every morning.

3) They were not big puppies two months ago.

4) There is a big park near our house.

ps. нужно перевести в вопрос



    Does my mother wash the dishes every morning?


    Were they big puppies two months ago?


    Is there a big park near our house?

  5. Моя мама моет посуду каждое утро?

  6. Были ли они большими щенками два месяца назад?

  7. Есть ли большой парк рядом с нашим домом?