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Look at the table and fill in can or can't 1. Joseph ...play the guitar, but he ...speak ltalian. 2.

Автор Богдан_Р, Фев. 28, 2024, 13:03

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Как бы вы ответили. Look at the table and fill in can or can't 1. Joseph ...play the guitar, but he ...speak ltalian. 2. Karen ...make pizza, but she ...sing. 3. Lisa ...sing, but she ...play the guitar and she ...make pizza. 4. John & Mary ...play the guitar, but they ...sing. 5. Peter ...make pizza, but he ...speak Italian and he ...sing.

la perola barr

1. Joseph can't play the guitar, but he can speak ltalian. (Джозеф не умеет играть на гитаре, но он говорит по-итальянски.) 2. Karen can't make pizza, but she can sing. (Карен не умеет готовить пиццу, но она умеет петь.) 3. Lisa can't sing, but she can play the guitar and she can make pizza. (Лиза не умеет петь, но умеет играть на гитаре и готовить пиццу.) 4. John & Mary can't play the guitar, but they can sing. (Джон и Мэри не умеют играть на гитаре, но умеют петь.) 5. Peter can't make pizza, but he can speak Italian and he can sing. (Питер не умеет готовить пиццу, но он может говорить по-итальянски и петь.)