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Написать сочинение на тему (кем я восхищаюсь) 5-10предложений. Личность должна быть обязательно из Р

Автор Богдан_Р, Фев. 28, 2024, 08:02

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Выполните задание. Написать сочинение на тему (кем я восхищаюсь) 5-10предложений. Личность должна быть обязательно из Русской культуры.

Майк К

The person whom I admire is Alexander Suvorov, Russian commander.I admire him because he is a very intelligent and strong-willed person.In childhood he was a very painful child and always dreamed of serving in the army.But everyone told him that he did not succeed.But later, Alexander Suvorov became a real soldier and a brilliant commander.He first received the title of Generalissimo.Therefore, I admire such a person as Alexander Suvorov