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Поставьте глаголы в скобках в настоящее простое или настоящее продолженное 1.Jason..................

Автор Стрым, Фев. 28, 2024, 08:29

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Как выполнить. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в настоящее простое или настоящее продолженное 1.Jason...................(not/come) with us tonight. 2.What ....................(you/do) in your free time? 3.We ...........................(usually/meet) in the libray at three o clock. 4.Greg .........................(learn) to play chess today, 5........................(Mary/speak) French well? 6.I......................(not/often/go) skiing. 7.It ......................(rain) at the moment. 8.You .................(always/lose) your keys! 9.My father..................(play) chess every afternoon. 10.I.......................(have) dinner with my grandparents tonight.


Хихикать хахв привет как дела джейсон негр а 5 плюс  5 равно десять
Greg learn to play chess today.
Jason is not coming us tonight.
1. Jason is not coming with us tonight. 2. What do you do in your free time? 3. We usually meet in the library at three o'clock. 4. Greg is learning to play chess today. 5. Does Mary speak French well? 6. I do not often go skiing. 7. It is raining at the moment. 8. You always lose your keys! 9. My father plays chess every afternoon. 10. I am having dinner with my grandparents tonight.