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написать рассказ (15 предложений) , чтобы там были времена Present Simple и Present Continius

Автор Miron, Фев. 28, 2024, 13:38

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Помогите с заданием.  написать рассказ (15 предложений) , чтобы там были времена Present Simple и Present Continius


A Day in the Life of Sarah

Sarah wakes up early every morning. She stretches and yawns, feeling groggy from a late night. Today, she is feeling particularly tired because she's been working late all week to meet a deadline. As she gets ready for work, she usually listens to her favorite music, but today she's feeling too worn-out to enjoy it.

She walks to the bus stop while absorbing the sights and sounds of the city waking up. As she waits for the bus, she's checking her emails and making a mental to-do list for the day. The bus arrives, and Sarah boards, finding a seat near the window.

During the ride to work, she's usually lost in thought, but today she can't stop thinking about the presentation she has to give later. The bus stops, and Sarah gets off, making her way to the office.

At work, Sarah spends most of her morning going through emails and making follow-up calls. She then heads to a meeting, where she's presenting her project. As she's walking up to the front, she's feeling a bit nervous, but she knows she's well-prepared.

During the presentation, she's talking confidently, keeping the audience engaged. She's hoping to impress her colleagues and get their support for her ideas. Once the presentation is over, she's feeling relieved and proud of herself.

At lunchtime, she's meeting with a client at a nearby restaurant. While they're discussing business, she's enjoying a delicious meal and making a good impression on the client.

The rest of the workday is a whirlwind of tasks, meetings, and deadlines. By the time Sarah leaves the office, she's feeling exhausted but satisfied with her accomplishments.

She returns home, looking forward to relaxing and unwinding. As she's taking a hot shower, she's reflecting on her day and feeling grateful for the opportunities and challenges that keep her engaged and motivated.

In the evening, she's chatting with her roommate about their day, sipping a cup of tea, and enjoying the comfort of home. As she's winding down, she's thinking about the tasks awaiting her tomorrow, but for now, she's content to just be in the moment.