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Change the affirmative sentences into negative sentences and fill in the blanks. Use the contracted

Автор Стрым, Фев. 28, 2024, 06:51

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Как выполнить. Change the affirmative sentences into negative sentences and fill in the blanks. Use the contracted forms e.g. can't, don't, doesn't etc.  Notice: sometimes both the auxiliary and the main verb are missing from the sentence, but sometimes you should fill in the blanks with only the auxiliary verb. Example: I listen to my dad. I don't listen to my dad. NOT: I do not listen to my dad. 1. I like good books. I bad books. 2. Anna has a bath every day. Anna have a bath every day. 3. Stefania and Bente know my phone number. Stefania and Bente my phone number. 4. Peter lives near us. Peter near us.

la perola barr

Что бы образовать негативный окрас, нам всего лишь надо добавить вспомогательный глагол (do/does) либо глагол to be в нужной форме, и "присоединить" к ним частицу not.

1) I don't like good books. I don't like bad books.

2) Anna doesn't have a bath every day. Anna can't have a bath every day.

3) Stefania and Bente don't know my phone number. Stefania and Bente aren't able to know my phone number.

4) Peter doesn't live near us. Peter can't live near us.