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Колобок на 100 слов, но если бы его бы поймал кролик.На английском

Автор ZadaSIK, Фев. 28, 2024, 08:52

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Как выполнить. Колобок на 100 слов, но если бы его бы поймал кролик.На английском


Once upon a time, there was a little round bread named Kolobok. He lived with his old grandpa and was his only companion. One day, the old man wanted to bake a new Kolobok, so he went to collect some flour and water. While the old man was gone, Kolobok rolled out of the house and started to roll away.

He rolled and rolled, singing a song about his adventures. Suddenly, he saw a rabbit! The rabbit was hungry and wanted to eat Kolobok. Kolobok tried to run away, but the rabbit was too fast for him.

"Don't eat me!" cried Kolobok. "I'm too small and I don't have much meat on me. Instead, I can be your friend and help you find food."

The rabbit thought for a moment, then agreed. So they started to roll together, looking for food and singing songs. The rabbit caught some carrots and berries, and Kolobok ate some of them. They were a happy pair, and the old man never knew what had become of his little bread friend.