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SMF - Just Installed!

Расказ на англинском языке каша из топара

Автор Богдан_Р, Фев. 28, 2024, 08:54

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Помогите с заданием. Расказ на англинском языке каша из топара


Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a poor man who had nothing to eat. One day, he decided to visit his friend who lived in the nearby village. The friend was happy to see him and invited him to stay for dinner. The poor man was overjoyed and grateful.

However, the friend had nothing to offer him except an old rusty ax. The poor man was disappointed but did not want to offend his friend. So, he took the ax and went to the forest to chop some wood.

As he was chopping the wood, he had an idea. He would make a soup out of the ax. He boiled the ax in a pot of water and added some salt and pepper. The soup smelled delicious.

When the friend tasted the soup, he was amazed. He had never tasted anything like it. He asked the poor man how he had made it. The poor man told him the truth, and they both laughed.

From that day on, the poor man became famous for his ax soup. People came from far and wide to taste it. And the friend was happy to have such a clever friend.

One day a soldier was walking through the village on leave. He was terribly hungry, but he had nothing himself. So he knocked on the first hut and asked for food. An old woman opened it to him and said that she herself had nothing, although she had plenty of everything. She spared the soldier the food. Then the soldier saw the old woman's axe, and said that he would try to cook porridge from the axe. The old woman gave him a pot, and the soldier put the axe in the pot and began to cook, stir. He asked for salt, the old woman gave him salt, asked for a handful of cereals, the old woman gave him cereals, he asked for butter, and the old woman found him. So, the soldier ate porridge and left.


Шёл как-то раз солдат на побывку через деревню. Есть ему страшно хотелось, а у самого ничего нет. Вот он постучался в первую избушку и попросил еды. Открыла ему старушка и говорит, что у самой ничего нет, хотя было у неё всего вдоволь. Пожалела она солдату еды. Тогда солдат увидел у старухи топор, и сказал, что попробует сварить кашу из топора. Старушка дала ему котелок, а солдат положил топор в котелок и начал варить, помешивать. Спросил соли, старуха дала соли, попросил горсточку крупы, старуха дала крупы, попросил он масла, и его старушка нашла. Так, солдат поел каши и ушёл.