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<p>Теперь назовите животных в соответствии с диаграммой. Снижите все, что можете об одном из них.<br

Автор Майк К, Фев. 28, 2024, 13:05

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Майк К

Как на это ответить. <p>Теперь назовите животных в соответствии с диаграммой. Снижите все, что можете об одном из них.


wild animals              domestic animals

                         house pets       farm animals</p>

<p>big little long-legged short-legged long-necked short-necked long-tailed short-tailed


bread grass meat leaves fruit vegetables fish

Examples: 1) I know ... wild animals. They are: ...</p>

<p>I know ... domestic animals. They are: ...

 ... are long-legged animals. They eat: ...</p>

<p>2)   The horse is a domes tie. animal. It's a farm animal.</p>

<p>It's big. It's brown, grey and white. The horse has got four  long legs, a long neck and a long tail. It eats grass</p>

Майк К


I know the wild animals. They are: the fox, the lion, the wolf, the bear, the tiger, the crocodile, the giraffe and the monkey.

I know the domestic animals. They arc: the dog, the cat, the tortoise, the hamster, the parrot, the pig, the cow, the horse, the sheep, the goat, the duck.

I know the house pets. They are: the dog, the cat, the tortoise, the hamster, the parrot.

I know the farm animals. They are: the pig, the cow, the horse, the sheep, the goal, the duck.

The fox, the lion, the wolf, the bear, the tiger, the crocodile, the giraffe are the big wild animals.

The monkey is the little wild animal.

The dog, the cat, the tortoise, the hamster, the parrot, the duck are the little domestic animals.

The pig, the cow, the horse, the sheep, the goat are the big domestic animal.

The giraffes are long-legged (long-necked, long-tailed) wild animals. They eat: leaves, grass, vegetables, fruit.

The foxes (wolves, tigers, lions) arc the long-legged (longnecked, long-tailed) wild animals. They eat: meat, fish.