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Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous, present simple,past simple og past continuous

Автор Богдан_Р, Фев. 28, 2024, 09:49

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Как выполнить. Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous, present simple,past simple og past continuous I ...(clean) the windows when the telephone....(ring) "What is that noise?" James ...(repair) his bike at the moment. He ...(read) a book when his mother ...(call) " ...(be) you busy?" No, what ...(you/want) me to do?" they ...(sing) while we ...(play) some music Susan is a nurse. She usually ...(work) at night.


1. I was cleaning the windows when the telephone rang. Я мыла окна, когда зазвонил телефон. 2. "What is that noise?" James is repairing his bike at the moment. «Что это за шум?» Джеймс ремонтирует свой велосипед в данный момент. 3. He was reading a book when his mother called. Он читал книгу, когда позвонила его мама. 4. "Are you busy?" No, what do you want me to do?" "Ты занят?" Нет, что ты хочешь, чтобы я сделал? 5. They were singing while we were playing some music. Они пели, пока мы играли музыку. 6. Susan is a nurse. She usually works at night. Сьюзан - медсестра. Обычно она работает ночью.